As long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by the natural world. I was the kid cutting worms in half because I thought they could be bisected and live...turns out that works for some flat worms, but not earth worms. As a graduate student, I became interested in the diversity of colorful signals animals use to communicate. My research has explored the role of female coloration in eastern bluebirds, the relative influence of genetic and environmental factors on color in barn swallows, and how quantitative genetics can be used to better understand the role of sexual signals.
Lab News
September 2021 - Ashley Staab received a GIASR award to study responses to real and mimicked predator calls
Fall 2021 - Lab alums Melissa Bailey and Sami Beasley are off to graduate school while Austin Hotop starts med school!
Spring 2021 - Congratulations to Austin Hotop and Sami Beasley, the Hubbard Lab's newest Truman graduates!
Fall 2020 - Lab alums Katie Baker and Ashley Herdman are off to graduate school!
August 2020 - Katie Baker and Melissa Bailey presented their work at the North American Ornithological (virtual) Conference
April 24, 2020 - Melissa Bailey successfully presented her honor's thesis (via Zoom!)
April 16, 2020 - Melissa Bailey and Katie Baker present their research at Truman's Student Research Conference.
March 2020 - Kalli Stubblefield received a TruScholar award to conduct summer research on barn swallows
May 3, 2019 - Master's student Patrick Moranville passed his thesis defense!
April 9, 2019 - Melissa Bailey & Joey Hubbard received a Jed Burtt Undergraduate mentoring award from the Wilson Ornithological Society
April 4, 2019 - Katie Baker received a research grant from Webster Groves Nature Study Society
March 22, 2019 - Undergraduate Katie Baker received a TruScholar award to conduct summer research on barn swallows
March 22, 2019 - Undergraduate Melissa Bailey received a TruScholar award to conduct summer research on eastern bluebirds
Fall 2021 - Lab alums Melissa Bailey and Sami Beasley are off to graduate school while Austin Hotop starts med school!
Spring 2021 - Congratulations to Austin Hotop and Sami Beasley, the Hubbard Lab's newest Truman graduates!
Fall 2020 - Lab alums Katie Baker and Ashley Herdman are off to graduate school!
August 2020 - Katie Baker and Melissa Bailey presented their work at the North American Ornithological (virtual) Conference
April 24, 2020 - Melissa Bailey successfully presented her honor's thesis (via Zoom!)
April 16, 2020 - Melissa Bailey and Katie Baker present their research at Truman's Student Research Conference.
March 2020 - Kalli Stubblefield received a TruScholar award to conduct summer research on barn swallows
May 3, 2019 - Master's student Patrick Moranville passed his thesis defense!
April 9, 2019 - Melissa Bailey & Joey Hubbard received a Jed Burtt Undergraduate mentoring award from the Wilson Ornithological Society
April 4, 2019 - Katie Baker received a research grant from Webster Groves Nature Study Society
March 22, 2019 - Undergraduate Katie Baker received a TruScholar award to conduct summer research on barn swallows
March 22, 2019 - Undergraduate Melissa Bailey received a TruScholar award to conduct summer research on eastern bluebirds